Deal with it, simply!

Last week we had a medical emergency. My husband was coughing up blood and we went to the Emergency Room. we went on a roller coaster of emotions and diagnosis from lung cancer, acid reflex to now mitral valve prolapse. He will be having surgery sometime this week. He was able to come home for Thanksgiving and went back on Friday for more testing. We are blessed there is no other damage to his heart. In 3 weeks our oldest is getting married and all Randy asked the Doctor is “Can I walk my daughter down the aisle?” The Dr said “I am sure you will!”  Prayers and hugs! ❤

Crown Financial free E-Book offer

Crown Financial Ministries is currently offering one of its titles, Debt and Bankruptcy, as a free e-book.

Go here to see the book description and set up your order.

Offer good until Saturday, December 31, 2011

Thank you to Paula at Monroe on a budget for sharing. Check out her site!

Bass Pro Shops Santa’s Wonderland

Now through December 24, 2010 Click Here for details

Free picture with Santa, crafts and games

Gift wrapping on a budget

I don’t know why, but every year at this time I start to panic….what are we going to do about Christmas and I think this year it is going to be more stressful with a wedding the week before.

This is a re-post from last year and I have added some different ideas.

1. This is frugal tip I have done for years. Gift bags and the tissue paper I save over the year. I iron the tissue paper and put it in the bag and store until I am ready to use, easier storage and it looks like you went out and bought the bag and the tissue paper.

2. This year many are going green and many stores in the near future are not going to have plastic bags or they will charge you 5 cents for each bag. Why not buy some reusable shopping bags put your gift in it and attach a bow and they will have 2 gifts in one.

3. You can wrap in newspaper or how about a map you can receive free maps at AAA.

4. I don’t have the ambition this year but How about after Christmas pick up Christmas print fabric and make fabric bags. I know for little ones it is about the ripping of paper, but when they are older I think they would be happy with this idea.

4. Baby blankets for baby gifts

5. A scarf perhaps and it can be another two in one gift.

6. Colorful fabric which can be fabric, bandanna’s, or dish towel.

7. We have done this paper the kids decorate. You can use a paper bag cut open, the kids decorate then ready to use.

8. Boxes or tins you have received from years past

8. Wrapping paper is 1/2 off at the end of the season, so if you just can’t part with the tradition of  wrapping paper.

9. If you make a gift basket you can leave it unwrapped and present it that way. My dear friend Shelly made this one. Showing it doesn’t have to be a basket to be a gift basket…. anything you can use to present your gift. Thanks Shelly for the idea!

10. I save the bows from Christmas and reuse them. I bag them up and use them all year.

11. The gift tags….a sweet little lady at church collect Christmas cards after the holiday and then cuts the picture out along with an index card using pinking shears. These were in the office for all the busy teachers to use for Christmas. I just love the idea…

If you have some different ideas please add. Have a great day, Candy

Freebies 11/5/2010

Happy Friday….. Freebie Friday!

Click here to sign up for a Post- it® samples

Thank you Bellevue Savings! Checkout the site


Walmart free sample Tom’s of Maine wicked fresh toothpaste


Happy freebie Friday!


What do you do when you are broke?

Good Morning!

I haven’t been feeling very frugal with an upcoming wedding and a week later Christmas….The days of the kids needing $5 or $10 is gone and now it’s hundreds by Friday. I have been feeling that feeling of how I felt when my husband was out of work, but now we both work all the time.

I am feeling I need to start Boot camp again and see if I can find some new tricks.


What do you do when you are broke?

I find I need to thank the Lord for what I do have…when I get into my car I say a little Thank you Jesus or go into my warm home Thank you Jesus. You can’t make you net worth more than your self-worth! I need to not get overwhelmed and take one bite a a time.

  1. Look for what you can get rid of…We got rid of cable and bought a digital antenna…I am not missing it and we are all alive.
  2. lower the minutes on you cell phone….I would like to just get rid of them, but they have you sign a 2 year contract….smart on their part :/
  3. turn the heat down when you aren’t at home  and see how low you can keep the temp when you are home.

Lets keep the list going I would love to hear what you do when you are broke! Have a blessed day, Candy