We deserve it!

Thank you for those who attended the Sanger Library tonight. I always love the frugal class because I learn a few  things too!

When Randy and I were first married we had the bad habit of thinking and saying when we wanted something, We deserve it! I know when we had that attitude it was easier for us to get into debt. Now that we are getting older and have been down that road I am seeing a change.

  • We are really talking about purchases and saving for them.
  • We ask ourselves if we really need the purchase or if we just want it.
  • Our debt is going down because we are working together and we are on the same team!
  • By simplifying your life, less is best- easier to clean, manage and live with. In today’s society we think stuff makes us who we are, people are more important then stuff.

By having a “We deserve it” attitude you may find:

  • You are in debt not enjoying your life. Working to pay off all you deserve.
  • Life filled with stuff and unappreciated.
  • Trying to keep up with the Jones; You may find the Jones’ are more in debt then you.

It is OK to dream of things you may want and it doesn’t mean you have to go into debt to get it.  My dear friend Robin told me once “tell God your dreams” I said to her I thought God already knew my dreams? She said to just talk it out with God and see what happens. You know what? It does help.

Living a more simple life is like money in the bank. We don’t need all the stuff to be fulfilled. I am not killing myself anymore to have what I think I need and I am finally starting to enjoy my life. Just some food for thought today.

Have a great day you deserve it! Candy

School is out for the summer…oh my

 Today,  is the last day of school for my children. I always get a happy and yet overwhelmed feeling. Happy things will relax, but overwhelmed thinking what are some things they may like to do.

 I have a feeling this year sleeping may be more important than all of the years before….I have all teenagers now!

I love our Libraries and their summer reading programs. Many have fun summer activites and authors.

Barnes and Noble  2010 Summer reading and a download for a activity book.

Toledo Metroparks have compiled a list of 50 things to do in the Metroparks. Here is a PDF of all the kids activities this summer many are free.

The Library in our area always have great things for the kids to do. Rossford Public Library and the Toledo-Lucas Co. Library

The few weeks have been crazy with baseball. If you have any activities to add please feel free. Have a blessed day Candy