Good Day my friend

Good Day my friends I have missed you!

I have been in a transition in my life. Last December my husband and I lost our contract for our job. This was a very stressful time and I have decided that anger makes you ugly. I feel what others meant for evil God has made it into something wonderful. We have had financial struggles and are chipping away at them.. My husband got a job and this has perked him up.

When you are facing job loss or income cut we had to make some tough decisions.

  • We sold one of our vans on Craigslist (It sold in one day).  It was just silly to have two car payments and I am so happy the van we kept was paid off last month….yippeeee!
  • Our boys took the summer off instrument lessons. Ben received a scholarship and he could continue his over the summer.
  • Dave Ramsey classes to re-energize our financial goals.

What a difference a year makes! 🙂

I would love to hear how you are re-energizing your finances! Have a blessed day, Candy